Welcome to ArabMinds,
Our exclusive edutainment platform was pioneered by Ghaleb Darabya. Arab visionaries from around the world have come together to curate abundant educational opportunities that are critically needed for creating a more sustainable and prosperous future.
According to UNDP’s Arab Human Development Report, “The most worrying aspect of the crisis in education in the MENA region is education’s inability to provide the requirements for the development of Arab societies. Arabminds and through inspiring life stories and the blend of traditional practices with modernized digital teachings in the sciences, technologies, arts, humanities and more, delivers engaging, empowering and purposeful courses to help bridge this gap.
Our specialized classes are developed so that you may easily acquire the invaluable knowledge and ever-evolving skills to transform your life and prepare you for meeting the challenges of this New Era.
ArabMinds is for everyone. Welcome to a life of knowledge, meaning, and fulfillment.