Dr. Hayat Sindi

Dr. Hayat Sindi is a well-known scientist and researcher from Saudi Arabia. She serves as a Goodwill Ambassador for Science at UNESCO and is an honorary member of Newham College at Cambridge University. She was one of the first women to be appointed as a member of the Saudi Shura Council and holds a doctorate in biotechnology from Cambridge University and visiting researcher at Harvard University.

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Biotechnology and life
Biotechnology refers to the use of biological systems, living organisms, or their derivatives to create products and services that improve human life.

Penicillin is one of biotechnology's great successes
Millions of lives have been saved by penicillin since its accidental discovery. Extensive laboratory work and testing were conducted to transform raw mould into a safe product for human use.
Pure insulin
Biotechnology has discovered effective treatments for various diseases, including diabetes. But how exactly did it achieve this?
Covid vaccine and its technological programming
The development of the Covid-19 vaccine in a remarkably short time is attributed to the judicious streamlining of research processes and the leveraging of established paths for vaccine discovery.
A breakthrough in cancer treatment
Biotechnology's success with Covid vaccines presents a great opportunity to use mRNA technology to battle cancer.
Eliminating the burden of Alzheimer's disease
Biotechnology is exploring various avenues to discover a cure for Alzheimer's disease, which is the leading cause of dementia resulting in a decline in cognitive and social skills.
Biotechnology in agriculture
Hunger has increased by 90% in the last two decades. Overcoming it is the second priority of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. What role does biotechnology play in achieving these goals?
Biotechnology and sustainability
The use of biotechnology to reduce negative environmental impact and provide sustainable methods for waste recycling, electricity generation, and water supply.
Harnessing biotechnology to save the environment
Water pollution is a major cause of death worldwide, resulting in the loss of 4 million of lives, especially children. How can biotechnology help to minimize the impact of water pollution and save countless lives?

Biotechnology and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can provide solutions to current challenges when used within Ethical global standards, including serving biotechnology.
Biosensors are medical devices designed to detect the presence of molecules and atoms inside and outside the human body. But how do they work?
The power of science and social innovation
Social innovation is the process of developing and implementing novel strategies, concepts, and ideas that connect scientific advancements to address pressing social needs, thereby strengthening communities.
Passion is the driving force of achievement
In order to transform an idea into a successful product, a scientist or inventor must possess a specific set of skills. Simply having an idea is not sufficient, and limiting innovations and inventions to intellectual achievements is insufficient. It is necessary to find ways to transform ideas into products that can truly aid in the betterment of society.